7 Ways To Overcome Beginner Gym Anxiety
Even though it’s over 13 years ago now, I still remember how daunting it was the first time I set foot in the gym.
Not being sure exactly what I was doing, and worrying about other people judging me for not being an expert right away.
But slowly over time, once I learnt how to do certain exercises and use the equipment, I started to feel more comfortable in my surroundings. The gym became more enjoyable, and I felt less worried each time I crossed the door.
I learnt that most people in the gym are friendly, or they’re just there to get on with their own workouts – not spend their whole time watching others.
In this post I’ll share with you 7 tips to help you feel more confident in the gym when you are starting out as a beginner, and that will hopefully help ease those anxious feelings somewhat!
1. Get a tour of the gym or avail of a free gym induction
If you are starting a new gym, one thing I really recommend is to have one of the instructors or employees show you around!
Quite often gyms will offer free inductions, to show you where everything is and even how to use some of the more commonly used machines. If you can avail of this – I highly recommend doing so!
Just knowing the layout of the place and where all the equipment is, where you need to go to change or stretch etc, can help you feel so much more at ease.
Also with this, you’ll get to know people who work at the gym, and this can be really nice as you’ll feel more comfortable when you’re there and you’ll also have someone to go to if you need help with anything!
2. Have your workout plan prepared before you go
Having your strength training programme, or workout plan for that day prepared, is one of my favourite ways to ease gym anxiety.
Just knowing what you’ll be doing when you get there, what machines and equipment you will need to use, will help you feel so much more prepared.
It will also mean that you will probably spend less time walking about the gym aimlessly and wondering what exercise to do next.
You’ll not only feel more confident, but will also probably get through your time at the gym more smoothly than you would if you went without a plan.
TIP: Sometimes, (especially if we go to the gym at busier periods), machines or equipment can be in use, and we may not be able to do our workout plan the way we wanted to do it, or perform the exact exercises we had hoped.
A good idea here is to have a small list of alternative exercises that you could do, if a machine is occupied.
For example, if you wanted to do Barbell Romanian Deadlifts, but there are no barbells or racks available, you could do Dumbbell RDLS instead.
Or maybe the Cable Machines are occupied and you can’t do your Rope Triceps Extensions, then why not grab a dumbbell and do some Overhead Triceps Extensions instead!
3. Wear clothes that feel comfortable
I always tell my personal training clients this tip, and it’s to wear the clothes that YOU feel most comfortable AND confident in to the gym.
For some people that’s a fancy new matching sports bra and shorts, for others it might be old leggings and a baggy t-shirt!
Some of us like to show more skin that others, some of us like to cover up – and that’s totally OK! It’s all about your personal preference.
Wear what feels best for you and feels safe for the exercise you are doing, without worrying about what anyone else has on them – because honestly it doesn’t really matter!
There is really no ‘set dress code’ for the gym, and what is most important is that you are showing up and getting your workout done 🙂
4. Use your warm-up time to suss things out
We all know how important a warm-up is for getting our bodies prepared for exercise, but also it can be a great time to just prepare your mind and suss out what your next step is!
Sometimes I’ll pop on the treadmill for 5 minutes, and just check out what machines are being used, and where I need to be first.
If I’m doing some warm-up stretches, I’ll find a quiet spot, take my time and again have a look about to see if certain machines are free or equipment.
5. Pop those headphones in & just keep focused on your own workout
Sometimes the best thing you can do to reduce those anxious gym feels, is to stick your headphones in, block the rest of the gym out and just get on with your own workout!
A good playlist will take you into your own little world so that you can forget about everyone else and simply focus on doing your exercise as best you can.
6. Build your confidence up in quieter spot
Although the ultimate goal is to feel that you can walk around every area of the gym with confidence, sometimes it’s necessary to build that confidence from a quieter place to start – and there’s no shame in that!
If your gym has a ladies-only area, that’s always a great place to get your confidence built up.
Most gyms also have some sort of space where you could do a minimal equipment workout, so you could just grab a dumbbell or two, wander over to that spot and set up shop! This means you can do your exercises without having to move about too much around the gym.
7. Hit the gym at less-busy times
My final tip is, if you can, go to your gym at the less-busy, off-peak times!
There will be less people (woohoo!) and you will have much more space to yourself.
Going at the quieter times can feel less stressful and you’ll be able to spend a bit more time sussing out the environment.
I hope this post has offered you a few helpful tips on how you can ease your gym anxiety and feel more comfortable and confident starting out at the gym.
And remember, everyone starts somewhere, and it’s totally normal to feel nervous when you’ve started learning to lift weights or go to the gym. You are definitely not alone!
Hell, even sometimes if I go to a new gym, those old feelings of nervousness rush back, until I get to know my way round, and that’s after 13 years of training!
Just keep going and doing your best and I promise you will build confidence over time!
Any questions, drop them below! 🙂
Disclaimer: The information provided on this website by Jane Rafferty (Strong With Jane), is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is simply for educational & informational purposes. If you have any queries regarding any injuries, health conditions, or other physical limitations please seek the advice of you doctor or another qualified health professional.